Thursday, September 3, 2009

Out of work, trollers find others' trash is their cash

So many people are unemployed here in SW Florida so it's not rare to find locals digging in the trash to get items they resell to help them make ends meet. They mainly look for scrap metal, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, steel, and copper to trade in for money. Also anything like old washer and dryers, sofas, television sets and tables are also among the items picked up.

The solid waste management has claimed that over the past several years the amount of "white goods," items that are worth money, has decreased since the economy went down hill. Since 2008, no "white goods" have been picked up at all. The manager for waste management says that most of the time when they go out to get the bulk items, they are gone before they get to it.

The locals that are picking up these items are trying their best to makes ends meet, so instead of asking for money, they go out and try to make money themselves.

It is the worst of times right now and everyone is hoping that a change for the good will come. Jobs are so scarce right now and money is always an issue. So people have to do what they have to do to make those ends meet, help feed their children and put a roof over their heads. I learned a valuable lesson from the way things are right now, to always save for that rainy day. You will never know what could happen tomarrow and it's best to take the right steps to benefit yourself in the end.

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