Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cape Coral City Worker Benefits in Peril (City Wants Employees to Chip-In for Health Care)

As of right now, local and state employees do not pay anything for individual health insurance. These employeesare getting asked to pay $50 per month now for their health care by Cape Coral's Financial Advisory Committee. It is said that about 76 percent tax increase is calculated for next year on health care, but the city is trying to fix this issue.

Cape Coral is responsible to pay the entire $532 a month premium, instead of the employees paying it. The city is only asking employees to pay $50 a month because as of right now, individual health care is 15 percent, but will only be about 7 percent with that monthly payment being made.

Most employees are not happy with the changes that will occur because it is a sore subject. Employee Unions are looking into pay increases already and "benefit cuts won't come easy."

The president of Cape Coral's general employees union says that they have sacrificed enough already for the employee's health care. It is time that a small percentage from each employee get put in each month for their health care.

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