Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Drivers who didn't cash in on clunkers help dealers

Many drivers who didn't qualify for cash for clunkers are now helping dealers out, by keeping the sales up. The people who didn't qualify for cash for clunkers ares. actually fin ding out their trades were worth more anyways. Even though a lot of the dealers think that some customer stayed away from the cash for clunkers program simply because there was a rush of people to the dealerships, they are still happy with the continuing sale of vehicles. The dealers and their advertisements didn't hurt either. A few of the dealers hopes are high for the upcoming Labor day weekend, but they really don't know what to expect. But to be honest, why wasn't there a similar program to cash for clunkers that goes year round??? Even though we are having tough economic times, why isn't the common man being helped out to do things like buying cars, and homes??? When the plan was initially put out there it sounded great, and then they run out of money to fund it... But in the end its great that it ended up helping a lot of people who would otherwise not be helped.

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