Tuesday, September 8, 2009

20 arrested at Cape DUI checkpoint

20 people were arrested at a Cape Coral DUI checkpoint from Friday night to Saturday morning. 14 of which were arrested for driving under the influence. There were also a few citations given, four of which where criminal and moving violations.

It feels good know police are doing everything in their power to make the streets safer for us. Think about how bad the streets would be if people broke all kinds of laws and there were no police to enforce them. I think policemen are everyday heroes and they deserve recognition for their work. This past weekend I saw quite a few cars which seemed to be swerving and making maneuvers which seemed dangerous. Whenever you see things like this, police encourage you to call them or dial *FHP.


Fort Myers man charged in mortgage fraud scheme

A Fort Myers real estate sales associate was arrested and charged with 61 counts related to a multimillion dollar mortgage fraud scheme in Southwest Florida. The state alleges Wallen , the man arrested worked with a group of real estate professionals who were filing fraudulent loan applications and taking advantage of people with both good and bad credit receiving more than $3 million from fees and defaulted loans.

Wallen owned Florida Home Loans and was the sixteenth person to be arrested in this scheme so far. THE Fort Myers based Alternative Home Finance would find renters with bad credit ratings and allow them to pick out a house to rent and eventually own. “The company would then allegedly find people with good credit and take out multiple loan applications in the name of one borrower while falsifying applications. After collecting money from a bank, they would allow the house to go into foreclosure, leaving renters without a home, borrowers with bad credit and banks to foot the bill.”

Unfortunately this is happing all over Lee county. There are so many people like this guy are doing the same thing to people. I’m glad they stopped this guy before he did any more damage. I move people for a living and a lot of them tell me a story of how they were renting and sending in their payments every month and the owner was not forcing them to move without notice when they foreclose.

Emil Gilbert

The Fort Myers Race For Mayor


There are three people in Fort Myers who wish to "run the show". The mayoral candidates are Darrell Gardner, Randy Henderson, and Jenna Persons. They all come from different backgrounds and all have their own views on how to run Fort Myers (and not into the ground mind you).

Surprisingly the post has lost power over the last four years and the job pays half as much as it used to. If it pays $40,000 now then it paid $80,000 before, quite a drop if you ask me. Though for such a large pay cut there's a lot of issues for the next mayor to tackle. Such as the financial crisis that the city is in.

Each candidate is unique, as said before. Mr. Gardner was a carpenter who is running because he believes it's time for "real people" to stand up for the city. A stain on his campaign is his criminal record with a year of probation after being found guilty of battery against his ex-wife. Claims of theft against him also damage his campaign, despite his denying the claims.

Almost entirely different is Randy Henderson. He has been in politics for nine years now and is the most experienced for that reason. He believes the city should focus on the future to get through what we're going through today. He firmly believes the city needs someone with experience and not a new fresh look. But do the voters agree?

Lastly is Jenna Persons. A woman who has been interested in politics for a long time. Her first political campaign took place while she was seventeen and she worked under a congressmen so she's not devoid of experience. The question is whether she has enough. She doesn't agree with how the Fort Myer's budget has been spent and wants to cut funds for things like the Imaginarium and the Harborside because they're "not practical".

Who will win? I can't tell you. Who would I vote for? I can't tell you because I haven't followed the electiont that closely and I don't live in Fort Myers but anyone who does should look into this race and vote for the person who they most agree with. If you don't put your voice out then who will?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jennna Persons at SWFC

Earlier last week we had a visit from Mayor Candidate Jenna Person. She gave up here time in her busy schedule to talk to us about such things as economical growth in Fort Myers and ideas and goals to revitalize the downtown district. She also discussed her views on tax cuts and the beatification of Fort Myers and way to improve tourism.

Out of all her great ideas and opinions she had I strongly agreed with one of them which is the elimination of after school activities for the children. Right here in Fort Myers the stars complex will be forced to make budget cuts they will lose after-school opportunities. The Star’s is currently providing services in a safe environment for up to 250 children in its after-school program. But if the proposed budget is adopted two STARS positions will be cut, which results in 50 to 75 children losing their spots in the after-school program.

I don’t think this shouldn’t even be considered on any kind of budget cut. This is a place that has after school tutoring, computers for kids to use and sports activities. There basketball team just won the state championship. If they make these cut a lot of this will not be possible. I’d rather see these kids in after school programs not out running the streets getting into trouble because they don’t have anything to occupy their time.

Emil Gilbert

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Florida Gov. Crist want to pass Seminole Tribe casino deal

Governor Charlie Crist said he hopes that the Legislature will approve his new 20-year casino deal he made with the Seminole Tribe, saying that otherwise the federal government will let the games go on without any payments to the state. The Attorney General said he still considers the card games and slot machines illegal, despite the $6.8 billion compact worked out between governor Crist and tribal elders.

Crist said the U.S. Department of Interior might permit gambling on Seminole land, without any payments to the state, if legislators don't pass the bill .Crist said it would be god for Florida's school children and Florida's teachers but his concern is that if the Legislature doesn't pass it that the federal government will allow them to do it anyway and then we don’t even get a dime of the money

I think if the Governors bill gets passed it would be a good thing for us and it would mean less budget cuts for are school systems here. I’m sure we could really use It., but on the other side of the fence I’m sure the Seminole tribe would rather keep the money just for the tribe and their land. If it was my land I wouldn’t want to give up that big of a cut. 6.8 billion is a whole lot of money.

Emil Gilbert

New budget cuts won't keep Cape Coral tax rate from rising

In Cape Coral, the tax rate is going to rise to about 72 percent. The city council said that have decided not to spend money on new police cars, Cape Coral programs and a fire engine because it estimates to well over $70,000. They have made an effort to not spend the money so the tax rate won't have to rise, but it's just not enough.

For home owners, their property value dropped 30%, only to raise a little and their tax rates increasing.

The city's $3 million reserve is being asked to be dipped into instead of the raise in taxes. The problem with this is the reserve will drop down to below 30% if taken out. So in an upcoming meeting, all issues will be discussed.


If the city would have limited the amount of spending from the beginning, the city probably wouldn't be raising taxes on everything right now. Was is necessary to build a 2 story police department here in the Cape? What was wrong with the police station that we have now? Money is being spent in places that aren't an issue. The money should be spent it in other places like making sure the kids don't have to walk over 2 miles to get to their bus stop. It is not safe to have a child go that far from home to get to their bus. The money should be spent in better ways, if not at all.

Out of work, trollers find others' trash is their cash

So many people are unemployed here in SW Florida so it's not rare to find locals digging in the trash to get items they resell to help them make ends meet. They mainly look for scrap metal, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, steel, and copper to trade in for money. Also anything like old washer and dryers, sofas, television sets and tables are also among the items picked up.

The solid waste management has claimed that over the past several years the amount of "white goods," items that are worth money, has decreased since the economy went down hill. Since 2008, no "white goods" have been picked up at all. The manager for waste management says that most of the time when they go out to get the bulk items, they are gone before they get to it.

The locals that are picking up these items are trying their best to makes ends meet, so instead of asking for money, they go out and try to make money themselves.


It is the worst of times right now and everyone is hoping that a change for the good will come. Jobs are so scarce right now and money is always an issue. So people have to do what they have to do to make those ends meet, help feed their children and put a roof over their heads. I learned a valuable lesson from the way things are right now, to always save for that rainy day. You will never know what could happen tomarrow and it's best to take the right steps to benefit yourself in the end.

Lee County Cold Case Mystery Solved

Wednesday Harvey Skrine was charged with 2nd degree murder of Joyce Ann, who was murdered April in 1985. He killed her by running her over with his car. Back in 1985 her body was found in the street naked with her hands behind her back. Also found died Walter Mitchell. Police believe Skrine killed him also but can't prove it. Although blood was found on his shirt, he wasn't convicted in 85' because DNA wasn't the same as it is now. For motive, detective say he was with Mitchell looking for prostitutes, Hayes has history of prostituting, and things turned out differently than planned. Harvey Shrink has a large criminal history ranging from drugs, robbery and rape. Lee county is happy to finally close case.

This story just inspires to keep hope after 23 years this cold case was solved. Hopefully they find him guilty of Walter Mitchell murder also to bring justice to his family.

Jenna Persons

This previous week Miss Jenna Person graced our school with her presence. She came to our class as a guest speaker although she is a mayoral candidate. Jenna has many great ideas and a fresh approach on how to freshen up the city. Jenna believes that in order to fix our city you have to prioritize core services such as public safety, utilities, solid waste, necessary maintenance, transportation and traffic and youth services. Also that our brighter future begins with creating jobs. Miss Persons opened my eyes to a lot of things in the city that really needs to change such as downtown revitalization, our spending habits, creating project and not finishing them,and budget on need not greed. These changes can't take place unless you use your voice and she brought that to my attention. Miss Jenna Persons is a fresh new face with many bright new ideas. To me it feels like she tired of the way Ft. Myers is being ran. The old ways evidently aren't working being that our city's saving are completely gone so a maybe it s time for a change! This city isn't just for the elderly and retired. It's for us all, young and old and everything in between. We all have something to say so let your voice be heard!


Drivers Don" Have to Sit and Wait in Traffic on US 41

The Federal Stimulus Plan is being seen taking place in Ft.Myers. Due to the stimulus money they city will start the extending and widening of Metro Parkway. It will be widen to 6 lanes and start from Downtown Ft. Myers to Alico Road. People are looking forward to this project, creating new jobs and stimulating the economy. This project like any other has its critics . Residents say how will they cross six lanes of traffic with no light. FDOT officials say a light isn't necessary. Residents Julia Barker feels otherwise and says " You can't wait until a fatality there has to be something to slow down traffic"


I agree with the resident why not put a traffic light to help drivers cross over six lanes of traffic. But sadly Ft.Myers will like any other time wait to a fatality to change, when they have the money to do it now.

Theft of electricity surges in SW Florida.

In Cape Coral and Fort Myers, residents are tampering with their meter to recieve free electric. The electric company has estimated around $17,742 of stolen electric a month. The residents responsible for stealing the electric are being billed for the balance due before electric can be turned on.

A person caught stealing can face misdemeanor or felony charges and spend time in jail or prison, depending on the extent of the theft. Also under civil theft laws, they are responsible for paying three times as much in damages for meter tampering.

When a meter is tampered with, an electrician has to go out to the house and repair the damages done to the equipment and investigations are done.

As a result of electricity theft, if it continues, the company will have no choice but to raise the rates for everyone else to compensate for the money lost.


I feel that just because one person steals, doesn't mean that everyone has to suffer. I can also see where the electric company is coming from because they have lost a lot of money and they continue to lose more money every day. There are so many people out there stealing that it is hard to catch everyone. Times are tough right now for everyone and it's not going to help us at all if the rates get raised.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Edgerrin may have new job

A 1996 graduate from Immokolee High School, Edgerrin James is an 11th leading rusher of all time "that averaged 3.9 yards".He says that for him to "learn a playbook, it only takes him about 10 days and the workout he does is more difficult than the NFL training camps training". It is said that he is signing a $2 million contract with the Seattle Seahawks after he played football straight forward for 10 years for the Indianapolis Colts and the Arizona Cardinals. He hesitated to sign the contract because the mother of his 4 children, Andia Wilson, recently passed away from batteling leukemia. He wanted to spend the time he had off with his kids during this hard time to help the children and himself cope with their loss. But his intensions are to return to football and start playing for the Seattle Seahawks.


An Interesting Visit

Last week our class received a special visit from mayoral candidate Jenna Person. She came to talk about the current topics going on in Fort Myers and she did very well. Talking about such issues as the economy and the stimulus money that we haven't gotten. The downtown revitalization and what she thought it should be like. Her outlook impressed me most. She talked about getting the younger crowd involved and interested. From the way she spoke she seems to have a good grip on the issues and a good plan to tackle them. Good luck Jenna.

I'm actually considering going to vote for mayor...

Last Thursday in my current topics class, we had mayoral candidate Jenna Persons come and speak to our class. I like her views so much that I even was talking about her to my hairdresser, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to vote. I'm also going to look into the pther candidates and see what their offering as well, but I think my choice might end up being Jenna. I liked her so much because she's a fresh young face, and she willing and ready to go and ask the questions that current or past mayors have been scared to ask. I liked her ideas about the city giving extra land plots in order to make Gardens, or playgrounds and such for the neighborhoods. She had a lot of great ideas, I think I will follow her progressions, an think she is a great candidate.

Fort Myers Potentially Doubling Layoffs


I wrote an article in this very blog about how 45 jobs were lined up to be cut in Ft. Myers. Well, because the city doesn't want to add a $165 fire assessment fee, they're cutting more jobs. How many jobs? Well, double what I initially saw. 90 people may be out of a job including 32 firefighters. The names of the extra cuts haven't been revealed yet.

The city approached unions with pay cuts, shorter work weeks, and even an extra unpaid day off of work. The unions turned them down saying it would only prolong the inevitable. So the city had to find other ways of making up the budget and job cuts seem to be the only way. They hope the unions will be more open after the job losses.

90 Jobs. The job losses keep adding up. I only hope not to be effected by it. The way I see it, one more unpaid day isn't so bad as having no paying job at all.

Drivers who didn't cash in on clunkers help dealers

Many drivers who didn't qualify for cash for clunkers are now helping dealers out, by keeping the sales up. The people who didn't qualify for cash for clunkers ares. actually fin ding out their trades were worth more anyways. Even though a lot of the dealers think that some customer stayed away from the cash for clunkers program simply because there was a rush of people to the dealerships, they are still happy with the continuing sale of vehicles. The dealers and their advertisements didn't hurt either. A few of the dealers hopes are high for the upcoming Labor day weekend, but they really don't know what to expect. But to be honest, why wasn't there a similar program to cash for clunkers that goes year round??? Even though we are having tough economic times, why isn't the common man being helped out to do things like buying cars, and homes??? When the plan was initially put out there it sounded great, and then they run out of money to fund it... But in the end its great that it ended up helping a lot of people who would otherwise not be helped.

River District revitalization plans released

On Monday, the city council got a peak at the plans for Downtown Ft. Myers. A convention center, water inlet, and a new hotel are part of the new plans. All of these are part of the idea to bring people back to Ft. Myers. The city paid $700,000 for the plans. Ft. Myers Mayor Jim Humphrey said "It was more than impressive. It was frankly stunning to see the ideas and concepts for the future of our downtown area." There are a few steps to the plan -the first being the most important for downtown development. It's the expansion of the Harborside Event Center, hotel, garage, and extending the waterfront down to Bay Street. The first phase will cost nearly $100 million. There are a few council members who don't agree with the plans and Warren Wright is one of them. I also do not see this as something the city desperately needs at the moment. I think they should spend the money elsewhere to improve the quality of life in the area. If all goes as planned, the city will start construction in about two years.


Cape Coral City Worker Benefits in Peril (City Wants Employees to Chip-In for Health Care)

As of right now, local and state employees do not pay anything for individual health insurance. These employeesare getting asked to pay $50 per month now for their health care by Cape Coral's Financial Advisory Committee. It is said that about 76 percent tax increase is calculated for next year on health care, but the city is trying to fix this issue.

Cape Coral is responsible to pay the entire $532 a month premium, instead of the employees paying it. The city is only asking employees to pay $50 a month because as of right now, individual health care is 15 percent, but will only be about 7 percent with that monthly payment being made.

Most employees are not happy with the changes that will occur because it is a sore subject. Employee Unions are looking into pay increases already and "benefit cuts won't come easy."

The president of Cape Coral's general employees union says that they have sacrificed enough already for the employee's health care. It is time that a small percentage from each employee get put in each month for their health care.