Thursday, August 20, 2009

Biden to announce almost $1.2B for medical records

Vice President Joe Biden is about to announce 1.2 billion dollars in grants is to be given to hospitals to switch to electronic medical records. Biden and his administration think that this process will make things more efficient and safer. They say that all paperwork is more than just a pain. It wastes time, and prevents quick and accurate diagnoses and makes our health care system less efficient.
This money will be used from the 787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan which leaves a lot of tax payers wondering what’s in it for them. People involved say it will end up saving money in a long run and reduce medical errors in the process.
I feel that as much as healthcare cost that the hospitals and healthcare providers should pay for this service not the tax payers especially the tax payers that pay for this service but then can’t even afford to go to the doctors when they’re sick. I say expand health care first.

Emil Gilbert

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