Tuesday, August 25, 2009

45 Jobs May Get Cut in Fort Myers


Forty-Five people have been told, by the City of Fort Myers, that their jobs may be cut. Property values falling has lead to a loss in property tax so the city is looking into what jobs can be shaved off to balance the budget. In 2008-2009 the budget was around $94 million. 2009-2010 may lose around $8 million (around $88 mil total) if it doesn't make up the difference and if it does then forty-five people may be out of a job.

A quote from the article:
-- "There not a lot [of jobs] out there when you start to look," Della-Luna said. --
This may effect you if your family is one of the forty-five and if not then maybe your job, or your spouse's job, or your parents job could be at risk next. Hopefully not but, with things being down, you may want to plan for potentially hard times. As Della-Luna said, jobs are hard to find these days.

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