Friday, August 28, 2009

Proposed Lehigh fire fee postponed indefinitely

The fire commission postponed the Lehigh Acres fire fee to an indefinite date. According to Joel Guzman, it is just a temporary thing so local residence can see how the community operates without the needed budget. The fee was $100 and it would help raise millions to deal with the district losing nearly 50% of its taxable property value. "The proposed fee can be considered later if the commission wants to do so." said Richard Pringle the district attorney. "Currently, the district has two fire fighters per truck which is unsafe." said Chief Don Adams.

I understand many locals would be upset if the did put this fee into effect. Times are rough and people can't afford to be paying even more money. Once things start to shape up, I believe the plan would be a good idea. We need services that contribute to the safety of our locals. Isn't that something very important which would determine if someone wanted to move here? This could also potentially make many people leave Lehigh Acres which will hurt the city even more.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DCF to give Lee County nearly $100,000 to help homeless

Department of children and families will be giving almost 100,000 to help lee county homeless. It will be used for move in fee’s, medications, emergency shelters, and counseling services. Last year they were able to donate 250,000 to the homeless but just didn’t make it this one.(

While we are struggling with taking care of the homeless in Lee County with at least 150,000 dollars less the last year the mayor of New York is sending homeless people on a one way flight to 24 states and 5 continents with Florida being one of the main places. New York is doing this in an effort to keep them out of shelter systems.(

They are being sent to an already hurting place and I think that the airfare could go to a much better place.

Emil Gilbert

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

45 Jobs May Get Cut in Fort Myers


Forty-Five people have been told, by the City of Fort Myers, that their jobs may be cut. Property values falling has lead to a loss in property tax so the city is looking into what jobs can be shaved off to balance the budget. In 2008-2009 the budget was around $94 million. 2009-2010 may lose around $8 million (around $88 mil total) if it doesn't make up the difference and if it does then forty-five people may be out of a job.

A quote from the article:
-- "There not a lot [of jobs] out there when you start to look," Della-Luna said. --
This may effect you if your family is one of the forty-five and if not then maybe your job, or your spouse's job, or your parents job could be at risk next. Hopefully not but, with things being down, you may want to plan for potentially hard times. As Della-Luna said, jobs are hard to find these days.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Women third Lee County swine flu fatality

On Wed. August 19 the Lee County Health Department has confirmed that a 57 year old woman died last week from swine flu. They cannot release this her name or any medical history because state and federal laws prohibit it. How they test for swine flu is a simple nasal swab then they send it off to the sate laboratory in Tampa, FL. There has been two other deaths in Southwest Florida both were men ages 51 and 53.
Usually seasonal flues hit the older adult population harder then younger adults, but the swine flu has killed more younger adults. In Florida the 25-49 age group has been hit the hardest, but the Lee county victims have been a little older than the state average. According to the Centers for Disease Control says that one of the reasons why swine flu affects the younger adult population harder than the older adult population is that people over the age of 60 bodies are immune to swine flu..
I believe ways that you cannot prevent getting swine flu or anytime type of flu is that if your sick immediately start taking medicine, and if you don't get better in a couple of days go to your family doctor. School is starting up soon and a lot of people send their children to school knowing that they are sick if your child is sick stay home from work or have a back up plan ready. Another way you can prevent these flu's are to always make sure you wash your hands after you use the bathroom or handling any uncooked meat products. There are many ways that you can prevent getting sick people just do not want to take time out of their day to do it.

Biden to announce almost $1.2B for medical records

Vice President Joe Biden is about to announce 1.2 billion dollars in grants is to be given to hospitals to switch to electronic medical records. Biden and his administration think that this process will make things more efficient and safer. They say that all paperwork is more than just a pain. It wastes time, and prevents quick and accurate diagnoses and makes our health care system less efficient.
This money will be used from the 787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan which leaves a lot of tax payers wondering what’s in it for them. People involved say it will end up saving money in a long run and reduce medical errors in the process.
I feel that as much as healthcare cost that the hospitals and healthcare providers should pay for this service not the tax payers especially the tax payers that pay for this service but then can’t even afford to go to the doctors when they’re sick. I say expand health care first.

Emil Gilbert

Local swimmer makes national team

Erika Erndl of Naples, recently broke records at the U.S. Open. Just received official word from USA Swimming that at age 31 has been named to the U.S. national team. Currently training with teenagers or alone in Naples. She gets the right to train at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs and funding from the team.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sheriff Scott says he's innocent of any wrongdoing

Lee County Sheriff Department has a policy against associating with convicted felons. Sheriff Mike Scott has been friends with convicted felon Dick Spence since 2003. Dick Spence was convicted of money laundering in a Colombian drug cartel. Many wonder did Sheriff Scott get influenced by his friend in any political decision. Mike Scott denies all allegations. He say he isn't violating any policy because he was unaware that his friend was a convicted felon. Dick Spence backs him up and say that he never mentioned being a convicted felon because it was embarrassing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lehigh Council seeks to revive cultural events

Lehigh Acres used to celebrate multi-cultural and diversity celebrating. This brought many people to the city and increased diversity by a good margin. The council is currently discussing the possibility of bringing back these past celebrations in order to keep the traditions going and increase traffic and population for Lehigh Acres.

I believe bringing the celebrations back would help the economical status of Lehigh Acres. Once people discover how inexpensive the homes are in this area, they will begin looking around for a more affordable place to live. Increased population equals increased demand on local businesses which could result in more jobs as well.


Current council members donate money to running ca...

It's been discovered that two current Cape coral city council members have donated campaign funds to running council candidates. There are many members of the the city council that even current members would like to see gone , mainly because oft their views on the UEP. side one, should current council members be donation monies to running candidates? There is no law that says they can't give financial support. The current council members have the choice to donate funds to whomever they so please. Side two, everyone is looking for change. Progressive change at that. So if a change in council members will help ease some of the Capes Problems, go ahead..

firefighters laid off

Today 35 firefighters in Lehigh Acres are getting pink slips. Due to the lost of nearly 49 percent of taxable property value.

Prisoner Claims He Was Paralyzed In Prison And Files Lawsuit

News-Press 1
News-Press 2
Naples News

Brett Allen Fields entered Lee County Prison on July 6, 2007. His lawsuit against the Lee County Sheriff's Office claims that only four days later, July 10, he requested to have an injury looked at. A prison nurse identified it as a boil, caused by Staphylococci, and gave an unsuccessful treatment. Later attempts to gain medical care were ignored and early August he began to experience back pain and physical weakness. On August 8 he was confined to a wheelchair and the next morning, only when his innards started to come outside of him, they sent him for an examination by a doctor and he was diagnosed with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA. MRSA is potentially fatal if not treated and even after two years Fields remains partially paralyzed.

The Sheriff's Office and Prison Health Services refused comment.